
Excellent Chaps!

So, now the weather has settled down and my brain is no longer cooking, I thought I’d do a few round ups of the summer so far! There have been a few fabulous events, some silly days in the sun, and next week is Twinwood! Can’t wait! Xxx

First up is one of my favourite Summer events, The Chap Olympiad.

I did one of my first blog posts about this amazing day, and the great thing is that every year is different!

This year Erin and I put on our glad-rags, stuffed our picnic basket and toting our best picnic blanket, travelled to Bedford Square gardens by tube. As always, the sartorial elegance on display was a feast for the eyes…

As we walked in, we saw Anna, our Goldyloxx, who very kindly invited us to jettison our picnic blanket and sit with her table, and a nicer group couldn’t be found! They generously adopted us for the day, and totally made it for us.

This year, we were missing a stage, which made the events a bit harder to follow, but we were more than happy to have a chat and a Bourne and Hollingsworth Gin cocktail whilst eating our Scones. The W.I. Even had a tea stall this time, which was an absolute must – I’m sure anyone who knows me well will attest to my tea addiction…

While we sipped our alternating drinks of tea and gin, we were lucky enough to have the company of Anna (@goldyloxxroxx), Sally (@sallysweetlove), Ian, Steph (@stephanyjay_uk), Ellen (@b_millinery) and Katie (@kt_clicks), who kept the conversation flowing. Honestly the nicest, funniest, friendliest people. Should’ve been a prize for best table…

During the course of the afternoon, Anna and Steph were doing a sterling job of keeping the contestants hydrated with generous helping of Bloody Marys whilst expertly avoiding ‘Donald Trump’s’ wandering hands. We valiantly held the fort at the table with snacks…

So hopefully next year there will be a stage again, but as to the overall experience, and the very excellent company, can’t wait to do it all again next year!

Photos a mixture and those taken by the lovely people at our table… thanks again, lovely people.

For more of my nonsense, take a look on instagram @BewitchedBB…

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