
Instagram day

During the holidays, it was my niece’s birthday. She really enjoys her Instagram, so as part of her present, I organised an Instagram tour.

Basically it meant taking her to as many cool places as we could fit in one day, and taking as many gorgeous photos as we could!

Cereal Killer Cafe

We started our day having breakfast at the Cereal Killer Cafe, which is a really fun place to eat! The menu is constantly evolving, but it’s always based around breakfast, and more importantly, cereal. The seats in the back are actually beds, covered in 80’s kitsch covers and the walls are lined with cereal boxes. This is our must visit every time we go to Brick lane, and a big recommendation.

Brick Lane

On the way back from the Cereal Killer Cafe, we found some great opportunities for pictures, and we had great fun posing for photos!

Elan Cafe

One of the places my niece really liked the look of was the gorgeous Elan Cafe near Hyde Park. A beautifully decorated patisserie with flowers all over the walls, it was difficult to decide which was prettiest, the setting or the cakes…


Outside the Elan Cafe, there was a little garden area, so we used it to do our ‘outfit of the day’ photos. We had great fun posing, although there was an awful lot of giggling involved!


I’ve seen Sketch, the London Art Cafe, on lots of my friends Instagram feeds, so I knew it was a good one to round off the day. It’s such an amazing place to go to, and there are several different restaurants within. We chose to visit The Glade, the forest themed room, and it was even more exquisite than I expected. It was no surprise that we were blown away by the surreal ‘egg’ toilets! The other rooms are definitely worth a visit soon.

All in all, a good day was had by all, and as always, we did our usual home journey silly selfies! Good to know that despite the girls getting older, growing up continues to be optional, for all of us!

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