
A new start…

Hi there. I’ve not been writing for a while, I’m afraid my get up and go, got up and left…


Things have been a bit tricky over the last few months, with two very special members of my family passing away, one very unexpectedly and suddenly.

Sadness robbed me of my motivation and inspiration, but today I was listening to music, which brought me some lovely memories.

One of my favourites of my Nan is her singing along to Erin singing ‘Everything Stops for Tea’ in my blog, and that got me to thinking about how much I loved writing.

I remembered how fiercely my lovely aunt supported me and resolved to try again.

So, I thought that since songs were the things that got me back on track, perhaps I could share some of my playlist… Xxx

To, to start off, a bit of an obvious one for me! It was well known for being in the musical Pal Joey, and when Ella Fitzgerald recorded her version, she gave it a new, more human, spin, as previous versions had been in a slightly operatic style. Some of the lyrics are bit cheeky, but it’s a fab song.

One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer is my next choice to listen to. It’s got the same chilled out sound that I like, and I used to dance to it in class, so it holds good memories. I tore a tendon in my foot last year, so I’m still trying to talk myself into going back! In the meantime, I can listen to the song…

Because I’m a sentimental soul, another song that I love is Little Things Mean a Lot by Kitty Kallen. I came across this song when I was making my first website with my sister, who is one of my all time favourite people. We used to make little crafts and vintage style knick-knacks and this was the song that was on that page on our site. And they lyrics are so sweet!

I had a serious Doris Day obsession when I was a little girl. My Mum and I used to watch her films and so her voice has good memories for me. I rediscovered this song when it was in the soundtrack of ‘Strictly Ballroom’, one of the films that I watched on a loop when I was a teenager.

A list of my favourite songs wouldn’t be complete without Peggy Lee. Baubles, Bangles and Beads is a song that reminds me of the music in my tearoom. It’s not got the most feminist of lyrics, but I love her voice so much…

My next choice is a bit more uptempo. Straighten Up and Fly Right. I love the story to this song, which I think is based on a folk tale, and it never fails to make me smile, I love any version of this song, but you can’t beat Nat King Cole!

Another song that I love is from the film High Society. Basically any and all songs from this film make me stupidly happy, but one of my favourites was always the opening number, High Society Calypso. Louis Armstrong’s voice is so iconic, and full of charm, who could resist?

So, that’s my first blog post in a while, I’m off to watch High Society… again! And as Louis Armstrong says in the film, End of song… beginning of story!

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