
Instagram day part 2

As you may remember. some time ago, Erin and I took my niece on an “Instagram Day” to celebrate her birthday. We went to lots of epic insta-worthy locations, and ate lots of cake!

This year, we decided to visit one of the places we didn’t get to last time – Peggy Porschen’s Cakes.

Peggy Porschen has two locations in London currently, one in Chelsea, and one in Belgravia. We didn’t get to it last time, because we couldn’t physically fit it in to our day, so this time we made it a priority.

So, off we went, on seriously the rainiest day of the summer, and sploshed our way to Chelsea, feeling soggy, but very posh!

Once we got there, the parlour itself was just as pretty as expected, with a very pink theme. flowers everywhere, and their signature vintage bicycle outside.   I was too keen to get in out of the rain to take a photo, but the girls were braver than me!

Once inside, we chose cakes from the cafe menu as it was a little early for lunch. I went with a lemon, raspberry and rose layer cake slice, Erin had the brownie, and my niece chose a ‘Chocolate Heaven’ cupcake.  I had Chelsea Rose Tea, Erin chose English Breakfast, and C had hot chocolate.

The hot drinks were very welcome when they arrived, and I really enjoyed my rose tea, which is one of my favourites. The cakes were pretty enough, but I wasn’t as wowed by the taste as I expected to be, which was a real shame.

Still, it was a lovely experience, and the whole place was very beautiful, especially downstairs, where there was another parlour.

After our trip to Peggy Porschen’s, we had no major plan’s for the rest of the day, so we decided to pop to Covent Garden, and wander towards Mr Fogg’s Tavern. I wanted to take the girls to the House of Botanicals but they have an age restriction of 21.

We sheltered in the rainbow tunnel for a moment on the way, but we were keen to get out of the rain so rushed to Mr Fogg’s Tavern as soon as we could, which was a good thing, because we narrowly avoided an absolute downpour!

In hindsight, Mr Fogg’s wasn’t my best ever idea, as I totally forgot that its decor in this location is very much centered around taxidermy, which doesn’t bother me too much, but didn’t leave Erin very comfortable, as our resident vegetarian… Despite this, the atmosphere was friendly and jovial, and my cocktail was excellent!

While we were in Mr Fogg’s, the hunger started to kick in, and despite the bar menu looking tasty, we thought we’d make our way to Brasserie Zedel. Erin and I stopped off there during the Easter Parade and thought it was beautiful.

When we arrived, it was almost intimidating in its beauty, high ceilings, Art Deco interior, piano playing in the background and then 3 slightly soggy and bedraggled ladies!

I wasn’t at all sure what to order from the menu, so I kept it quite basic, ordering Steak Haché, (which is pretty much a plain burger) with the waitress recommending a Bordelaise Bone Marrow sauce as an alternative to the sauce au poivre which I’m generally not keen on. I was a bit unsure, but it was delicious! C ordered the same as I did, and enjoyed it, but unfortunately, Erin didn’t love her macaroni cheese, finding it very watery.

For dessert, C and I both had the Délice au Chocolat Noir as part of the fixed menu, and it was easily the best thing we ate all day, absolutely gorgeous!


After we’d eaten and soaked up the atmosphere a little more, it was time to wend our weary way home. Instagram Day Part 2 was done… until the next time!

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