About Me

Hi there,

I’ve loved vintage style all my life, my affinity with it probably started with watching High Society, Bringing up Baby and Singin’ in the Rain repeatedly as a child!

I loved the clothes, hair and makeup, and so, when I was invited to my cousin’s wedding and the dress code was 1940’s to 1950’s, I was thrilled. I discovered Vivien of Holloway and amongst the swishy dresses and petticoats, I felt like I had found my home.

I couldn’t wear my lovely dresses to my cousin’s wedding though, as I found out I was expecting my second child, so I promised myself that as soon as I could wear my dresses again, that would be all I wore, and the rest is history, or at least vintage…

I also ran a Vintage Tearoom for a while, which I enjoyed immensely. It was a pretty little place with vintage china, yummy cakes and even a toy tea room for the children. When I left it to go back to teaching, I felt lucky to have met lots of lovely people and taken good memories with me.

Just lately, I have been really trying to challenge myself to become more involved in life, so I’ve been learning to dance, going to more events and generally jumping in with both feet a bit more!

As part of this, I was inspired to start this blog. Hope you like it! Xx