
Twinwood 2018

As you  might see from browsing my past posts, my family and I have been visiting Twinwood Music festival for the last few years, and it’s one of our favourite things!


This year, photos are a bit thin on the ground, as we were having far too much fun! Also, my daughter Erin was official photographer, but her photos are due to be used for her A-level coursework, so I can’t post them.

We did have a fab time, as always though, despite the weather, which was pretty dire, especially on the Sunday!

We still managed to get out between rain showers, however, and I did manage to pick up a new House of Foxy dress, and a Sarah’s do-wop-do’s turban, which are definitely at the top of my Twinwood wish list.

My mini obsession with hats continues, I bought 2 while we were away! One was the cute yellow one from the picture above, and another was a gorgeous white tulle confection, that I haven’t had a chance to wear yet.

As always, the highlight of our Twinwood evenings (and by that I mean early hours of the morning!) is the amazing Tom Carradine’s cockney sing-a-longs, which are made even better by Champagne Charlie and Dusty Limits joining in the fun!

The theme of Twinwood this year was definitely friends though! We met up with lots of people we knew, which was lovely, and we also made some new friends, which we are missing already!

Again, sorry for the lack of photos, but we are already planning next year’s trip to Twinwood, so, I promise lots more photos next time…


Excellent Chaps!

So, now the weather has settled down and my brain is no longer cooking, I thought I’d do a few round ups of the summer so far! There have been a few fabulous events, some silly days in the sun, and next week is Twinwood! Can’t wait! Xxx

First up is one of my favourite Summer events, The Chap Olympiad.

I did one of my first blog posts about this amazing day, and the great thing is that every year is different!

This year Erin and I put on our glad-rags, stuffed our picnic basket and toting our best picnic blanket, travelled to Bedford Square gardens by tube. As always, the sartorial elegance on display was a feast for the eyes…

As we walked in, we saw Anna, our Goldyloxx, who very kindly invited us to jettison our picnic blanket and sit with her table, and a nicer group couldn’t be found! They generously adopted us for the day, and totally made it for us.

This year, we were missing a stage, which made the events a bit harder to follow, but we were more than happy to have a chat and a Bourne and Hollingsworth Gin cocktail whilst eating our Scones. The W.I. Even had a tea stall this time, which was an absolute must – I’m sure anyone who knows me well will attest to my tea addiction…

While we sipped our alternating drinks of tea and gin, we were lucky enough to have the company of Anna (@goldyloxxroxx), Sally (@sallysweetlove), Ian, Steph (@stephanyjay_uk), Ellen (@b_millinery) and Katie (@kt_clicks), who kept the conversation flowing. Honestly the nicest, funniest, friendliest people. Should’ve been a prize for best table…

During the course of the afternoon, Anna and Steph were doing a sterling job of keeping the contestants hydrated with generous helping of Bloody Marys whilst expertly avoiding ‘Donald Trump’s’ wandering hands. We valiantly held the fort at the table with snacks…

So hopefully next year there will be a stage again, but as to the overall experience, and the very excellent company, can’t wait to do it all again next year!

Photos a mixture and those taken by the lovely people at our table… thanks again, lovely people.

For more of my nonsense, take a look on instagram @BewitchedBB…


Hufflepuff Pride!

As a self-confessed geek, I thought I’d take the opportunity to write about an aspect of geekdom that has not only become part of my life, but has helped me to accept and take pride in aspects of my personality. So much so, It’s become integral to my identity.

I came to the Harry Potter books as a teacher, my first experience of the books was when I was covering a class and I was asked to continue the book at storytime.

As I made my way through the books, much was made of the different houses, but obviously Gryffindor and Slytherin were at the forefront. Great respect was given to the clever Ravenclaws, but there was definitely a feeling that Hufflepuff was the least appreciated house.

The Hufflepuff common room is the only one Harry never visited, Draco Malfoy was particularly unkind, and the general impression was that Hufflepuff was the house equivalent of being picked last for the team.

When Pottermore was created, and I was sorted into Hufflepuff, I can remember feeling a bit underwhelmed. I did accept however, that it was probably pretty accurate! It’s only really been as time has gone on and I recognised more and more traits in myself, that I revelled in my Hufflepuff identity.

I’m a self-confessed Mrs Yes, which is not always a good thing, and I am aware that there are times when I need to take care of myself more, but I’m actually really proud that I am kind. That is not to say I think I’m perfect, quite the contrary, sometimes I’m grumpy, sometimes I don’t want to help out, but the foundation of my personality is someone who tries to do the right thing. Sometimes I’m soft hearted, but when it comes to the people and issues I care about, I can be surprisingly fierce.

That to me, is what belonging to Hufflepuff means. I think it’s important.

I’m mixing my metaphors slightly, but I’m really fond of this Disney quote, and I think it’s about as Hufflepuff as you can get.

Who doesn’t want a little bit of magic in our lives?

‘The Hufflepuffs, virtually to a person, stay – as do the Gryffindors. Now, the Gryffindors comprise a lot of foolhardy and show-offy people… You know, there’s bravery and there’s also showboating, and sometimes the two go together. The Hufflepuffs stayed for a different reason. They weren’t trying to show off, they weren’t being reckless. That’s the essence of Hufflepuff House.’ (JK Rowling, Pottermore – talking about the Battle of Hogwarts)

I remember reading that quote and it being quite a revelation to me. I realised that being kind and doing the right thing was something I had a right to be a little proud of. In the past I had been told I was weak, because I tried to be kind, because I cared. Hufflepuff House reminded me it was a strength. My soft heart could be an asset.

(Edit: Unfortunately, in recent years, I cannot ignore that JK Rowling has completely forgotten that sentiment. I considered going back and deleting that quote, but it meant something to me at the time. Hopefully one day, she’ll understand that woman is not a term that is exclusive. In the meantime, let me be clear. There is no question – Trans women are women, trans men are men, and all people deserve fair treatment and kindness in their struggles – we create our own identity.)

In our world today, when so much is about adoration and self importance, the ability to put ourselves in the shoes of others mustn’t be lost. I tell my daughters regularly that I don’t care if they grow up to be ‘important’, or rich, I care very much that they be honest and kind; and that’s definitely not always easy. Standing up for the things we care about is sometimes tough, but it matters.

My eldest daughter was also sorted into Hufflepuff, not to say we’re the same, at all, she is an amazing individual, and completely her own person, but strangely, as she’s grown into a beautiful young woman, it’s sometimes our Hogwarts house that binds us. I’ll do something, or she’ll say something, and we’ll just look at one another and say “such a Hufflepuff …” and smile.

As you can imagine, we’re both very happy that the character of Newt Scamander (or Eddie Redmayne), from the brilliant film Fantastic Beasts and where to find them has become our very own champion! All I need now is that vintage Hufflepuff scarf… Pinterest

After all, a house with Cedric Diggory, Nymphadora Tonks and Newt Scamander all as members must be a good thing.

And so, I shall continue to Huffle along, because the world never got sadder for a little more caring.

(All images found via Pinterest- I will link the pages as best I can)

For more information about How to be supportive in trans issues, please look at the links below… (found via mermaids uk)


Everything stops for tea…

I often describe myself as “Very British” in the sense that I’m a bit reserved, a stickler for doing the right thing, and that my body is about 70% tea instead of water…

In our family, tea drinking started at an early age, and as a Toddler, I would often wake up asking for a ‘cup of tea, two pillows’. I was a tea prodigy! Not much has changed, with my poor husband saying that he’s made more tea since we met than he did in his whole life previously!

So, when my youngest was little, my sister and I had a great idea, and we started a pop-up tearoom. We had a fab time and I loved it so much, working at vintage fairs and even setting up at the local fairy festival, with some very cute customers.

When I was offered the opportunity to set up a tearoom in my local church, I jumped at the chance, and the Put The Kettle On Tearoom was born. My sister helped me out lots, as did the rest of my family.

My Dad and I covered some of the cupboard doors with red and white polka dot oilcloth, my Mum made lovely floral curtains for the others. I filled the tearoom with vintage china and pretty things, created a children’s area with a mini tearoom for them to play in, and my friends Rebecca’s Cakes and Cakes and Treats for all provided yummy treats. I had an absolute blast, and my original 6 week summer job turned into 6 months…

We served sandwiches, cakes and a selection of teas, and it was an amazing time. I met the best people, and drank a lot of tea! Rebecca’s Whoopie Pies became a bit famous for a while there, they were amazing!

Eventually I moved on, but my love of tea, and my pretty china, stayed with me, being used for various different friends and family and even some charity events. But most of the time, it’s wrapped up carefully and stored away in boxes.

One of the things I love doing, is using my vintage china every day, and just lately, I’ve discovered Woods Ware and utility china. I went out for a cuppa with my friend Rebecca and she was telling me about the china she uses at home all the time. (Rebecca, it’s all your fault!) I thought it was a great thing to do, because I love my vintage china, but I worry about using it too often, in case it gets broken.

Utility china is great for using regularly, because it’s a bit more sturdy than most vintage china, and because it isn’t gilded or hand-painted, it’s easier to wash and use in the microwave.


Woods Ware, which is my current favourite, is what I call ‘Church China’ because that’s where you’d often see it, in church halls and kitchens. It comes in 3 colours, Beryl, which is green, Iris, which is blue, and Jasmine, which is yellow. I love the mix of colours and I’ve now got a little collection, which you might’ve seen in my Home Sweet Home blog post, in pride of place in my kitchen cupboard.

So, now I have even more excuses for a cuppa, carrying on not only a family tradition, but a British one. Can’t be bad…

Both my girls have inherited the family ‘tea gene’ too. I am very proud! So much so, that I’ve asked my lovely girl to cover one of my favourite songs for us. Hope you enjoy it! Check out her YouTube channel here.


Home Sweet Home

As someone who wears vintage style clothing all the time, People often ask me if my house is vintage style too, so I thought I’d show you.
I live in a flat, so it’s not very picturesque, but I try my best to make it homely.  I do have a love of words and typography, and the walls are a riot of colour and craziness! Here’s a few of my favourite things…

I have hats and bags on hooks on my bedroom wall, which keeps them safe, and also means I can see their prettiness! The pictures remind me of our honeymoon, when we stayed in a Paris themed room.  No surprises that there are lots of hair flowers, but they look pretty, I think.

I absolutely love old print ads, and got this perfume advert from a vintage fair. It’s up next to my bed.

My irregular choice shoes are on a dolls house shaped shelf, that originally belonged to my little girl, but when she got a real dolls house, it moved into our room…

Also, dinosaur duvet cover… because reasons…

The hallway is a testament to our family obsession with geekdom! The back of the front door is decoupaged with comic books, and there’s a huge superman poster on the wall.  I have lots of framed superhero pictures, but these one with the heroes/alter egos are some of my favourites.

The kitchen has a bit more of a vintage feel, as its chock-full of vintage china, lots of which migrated home after my tea room closed, and I went back to teaching. Its not all vintage though, spot the BB8… !

The living room is cosy with a rainbow of cushions on the sofa,  and the walls are, again, covered with things! there’s even some gorgeous knitted bunting that my Mum made up on the wall. Bunting might also be a theme, I  haven’t pictured it all…

My daughter’s rooms are pretty cool too, with record tables and song lyrics on the wall for one and fairies and a full size Rapunzel cardboard cutout for the other, but the photos of those are theirs to share.

My poor husband puts up with a lot in our house!

So hopefully, that answers the question, my house isn’t all vintage but its 98% eccentric… and I love it that way!

P.S. BB8 and R2D2 are both mine, no matter what my 6 year old tells you…

British Belles Pin-up Picnic (in the Bar)

Hi there,
Continuing with my theme of pushing myself outside my comfort zone, I took myself (and my partner-in-crime, Erin) to the British Belles Pin-up Picnic. Originally it was intended to be a picnic in Hyde Park, but the British weather being as it is, a new venue was needed!
Luckily the dry resourceful Minky Urban arranged for some space at Barrio in Shoreditch, and we all went along in our vintage pin-up best.
I chose to wear a Vivien of Holloway Sarong dress which I’d bought a couple of years ago, in the hopes that I’d avoid twinning with anyone, because as you know, I’m not the most confident, and I wasn’t sure I’d bear comparisons!

We found Barrio relatively easily, due to the fact that Erin has an excellent sense of direction,(we call her The Map!) and also the sight of beautiful ladies in colourful dresses making their way to the same place. We met up with some lovely ladies who had made the trip to London specially, and spent the short walk chatting about dresses.

Inside, Barrio was really cool, with colourful decor, including a fabulous booth inside a camper van. We didn’t get the chance to sit in it, but I’m definitely going to next time!

There were lots of glamorous ladies there on the day, some of which I have met before, including the gorgeous Jill, also known as Miss Ruby Roxwell. She was a an absolute joy, and totally made the event for us, we spent ages chatting, and doesn’t she look beautiful in her VOH Bonnie dress?
We had a great time in Barrio, and we tried Cactus Quesadillas, which are a lot less spiky than they sound, and very tasty too. We also had some churros and I might’ve tried a cocktail or two, well, it was happy hour…

Here’s a few photos of some beautiful ladies on the day. We also saw and chatted to Chereeka from Papow & Flo, she had the most amazing vintage dress on! And GoldyLoxxRoxx was there in an outfit so beautiful, she is the VOH Instagram babe of the month.


After a great afternoon, we walked back to the train station, and got up to a bit of mischief on the way! We might have also popped in to Vivien’s and I might have bought a tea dress….

Thank you to the British Belles for a great afternoon! Please check out Instagram for more photos! You might even spot me in Papow and Flo’s blog!


Sarong dress – Vivien of Holloway
Shoes -Miss L Fire UK
Cardigan- New Look

Halterneck top and denim shorts – Vivien of Holloway
Shoes – New Look
Angel wings – Model’s own (honest!)

Uncategorized · Vintage

The Chap Olympiad

Just lately, I have been lucky enough to go to a few ‘Vintage’ events, so I thought I’d tell you about the Chap Olympiad first. The Olympiad is linked to The Chap Magazine, but Chapettes are equally welcome to join in.

I’ve been keen to go for a few years, but this is the first time we’ve had a chance to go. Well, it was definitely worth the wait!

The premise behind the Olympiad is to celebrate British eccentricity through silly Olympic style games, like umbrella jousting and tea pursuit. The idea is to ‘reward panache rather than sporting prowess’ and the games were hilarious. I went along with my eldest daughter, who is also genuinely one of my favourite people, and we just laughed all day long!

The Olympiad was held in Bedford square, so we went to Tottenham Court Road, and we were lucky, because as we got off the train, we spotted some ladies with their picnic baskets looking like 1920’s goddesses, and they kindly showed us where to go.

I would definitely recommend getting there a little early, as the queue to be admitted was long, but to be honest, everyone looked so amazing that the time went quickly admiring everyone’s outfits. We even had passers by taking photos of us.

When we got in, we set our picnic blanket up near the raised stage and got settled with our picnic. There is a slight downside in that you are not allowed to include even soft drinks in your picnics, as the event is produced by Bourne and Hollingsworth, who sell drinks at the event, but it’s no big deal, and the cocktails were tasty!

While we were there we bumped into the lovely GoldyLoxx, who I know though our shared love of Vivien of Holloway dresses. She was part of the entertainment team, as one of the ‘Nurses’ plying weary contestants with a blood bag full of Bloody Mary.

I also chatted to Zoe, who recognised me from shopping in Collectif regularly- there may be a theme here! She has just joined the British Belles, and looked amazing in a blue vintage dress. So beautiful!

The weather on the day was a tiny bit rainy here and there, but we didn’t let it dampen our spirits – get it?
Actually, it gave me a good excuse to buy my daughter a lovely hand knitted shawl from a stall nearby, which I may have to borrow at some point….

By the end of the day, we made our weary way home, already talking about next year’s visit. For more information about the Olympiad have a look at and definitely check out Instagram for some more photos!

We loved dressing up for the day.
My Dress is a Vivien of Holloway Halterneck Circle dress, My Cardigan is New Look and I was very proud of my hat and bag which are from Crews Hill Vintage Emporium. My shoes, which can be seen on the picnic blanket, are Melissas via TK Maxx
My daughter’s lovely 40’s style dress is by Pretty Retro via Maggie Ann Vintage. Her very cool pin up backpack was a charity shop find.

Thanks Chap Magazine and Bourne and Hollingsworth – we can’t wait to come back next year!