
House of Drewvid

Finding a good vintage hairdresser is a bit tricky. I used to go to a vintage salon near me, and she did some epic hairstyles, but since she closed her salon, I’ve had to rely on doing my own hair, which usually meant an updo. Not knowing where to go to get my haircut also meant that I had avoided going and my hair got mega long!


I did get my hair cut when we went to the Classic Car Boot sale, but I’ve been hankering for a proper vintage cut. especially as I’d like to learn how to set my hair properly.

Never fear though, because during my recent visit to the Enfield Pageant of Motoring, I found 2 superheroes of styling…


“The House of Drewvid is the brainchild of married couple David Dorling and Andrew Simonin.
Both David and Andrew wanted to bring their combined experience of over 20 years working with wigs and period hair within the British TV, filming industry and theatre land and combine that with their love of fabulous hair both vintage and modern to the rest of the world.” (House of Drewvid)

Not only are these 2 genius hairdressers, they are really lovely people, and they’ve got great stories to tell. Honestly, I don’t want to give spoilers, but they are the kings of my favourite things, vintage and geekery! Check out all the great things they’ve done on their website galleries here, and here

So not only did I get a great haircut, and pretty hairstyle, I got to chat to someone really cool and interesting…

Here’s my hair from that day. Sorry about the Snapchat filters, but it was a boiling hot day and I fell asleep on the sofa just before these pictures. Like a toddler. The hair held up well though, hey?

Since having my haircut, I’t’s made setting my hair so much easier, and while I’ve still got a long way to go, at least I know my cut is just what I wanted!

I’m very lucky, as The House of Drewvid is actually very close to me. They operate from home locally, while their adorable little girl grows up, and in a couple of years, they’re hoping to open a Salon. I can’t wait, but in the meantime, I know where I’m getting my haircut from now on!


A Vintage Project!

You might remember that I mentioned in my previous blog about my re-purposed Roberts radio.I bought it at the Classic Car Boot Sale from a lovely lady, who sold it to me for the bargainous price of £10, because as she was showing us, one of the knobs fell off!  It needed a bit of TLC, but this is the finished product. It looks pretty fab, if I do say so myself!

So, it looks like any other Vintage Roberts radio, a bit well-loved , but this one has superpowers… When you lift off the top layer, you get a surprise!

Hidden inside there is a decanter with four little glasses inside. Now the downside is it doesn’t play lovely music, but I’m sure I might be persuaded to serenade you after a sip or three…

Now, when I bought this amazing little feat of engineering, it wasn’t the best of condition. One of the radio knobs had fallen off, and it had been lined with foam and fabric that was making it all a bit tight for the glasses and decanter. The glue wasn’t holding properly, and it wouldn’t stay shut.

It was an excellent idea though, so with the help of my brother, who helped fix the box itself, I removed all the lining and started again. It was clear that it was actually a radio at one point, so when I relined the inside with navy felt, I carefully left a space to see the original radio license. I re-stuck the handle more securely and tidied the edges of the leather in the lid with red cord. My mum even found some red leather restorer which matched perfectly and helped to make it look as good as new on the outside.

So, with my little mini bar looking beautiful, the only thing left was to test it out! It’s currently filled with Disarrono, and it will definitely be joining us a various different events over the summer…  Cheers!




Classic Car Boot Sale

So, a few weeks ago, Erin and I decided to try out The Classic Car Boot Sale at Kings Cross. I hadn’t been before, but we love trying out new vintage events. For an extra bonus, the lovely Anna aka Goldy Loxx was running the Vivien of Holloway stall, a reason as good as any to pop along…

On the way in, they had some car cutouts with chairs behind for photo opportunities, so Erin took full advantage – aren’t they fab!

There were even some music performances going on as we arrived. I have to confess, we didn’t stop to listen for long, because we were focused on Vintage Shopping, but it sounded great as we walked along.


The stalls looked fab, and in line with the name of the event, all the cars were Classsic Cars. While we were walking around, Erin found the most fab dress for the Chap Olympiad this year, and I bought a re-purposed Roberts radio, which I’ll tell you about another time.

Erin and I fell in love with a stall full of very clever things, including a sofa, which when I am rich, I am definitely buying.

There were absolutely loads of stalls covered in pretty things, some inside undercover and some outside. The weather wasn’t the best, so we did have cold toes, but it was worth it.

On an absolute whim I had my hair cut in an amazing refurbished air-stream caravan. The haircut was really good, and the salon decor was amazing! I was hoping for a more exaggerated vintage middy style haircut, but I often find that because my hair is curly, hairdressers are a bit reluctant to cut it as much  as I ask for. I’m quite adventurous with my hair, but the hairdresser obviously wasn’t convinced!


Nevertheless, I was pleased with the cut, as my hair was desperately in need, and I’d definitely recommend trying them out! Catch up with where they are out and about on instagram @douceuk

After I’d had my hair done, we stopped for something lovely to eat, and had a drink at the bar, before one last walk round. So, as time was marching on, we gathered our purchases, and went on our way.

So, after our usual silliness on the train, we made our way home to put our feet up. we’ll definitely be looking out for the next one!





(A little) Sunshine at the Seaside

At the moment we’re in the midst of the Easter holidays, and as anyone who has time off with their family, sometimes coming up with ideas to keep everyone busy and entertained isn’t easy!

Although we’ve had lots of lovely days, including visits to family and a trip to see The Greatest Showman again, (which is amazing, by the way!) I was beginning to run out of ideas…

So it was a very welcome surprise when my husband suggested we go to Leigh-on-Sea for the day.

I don’t ever remember going to Leigh-on-Sea growing up, though we went to nearby Southend quite a few times. Rye in East Sussex is where we often ended up on our family holidays, but my husband used to go with family, and had good memories of it.

The forecast was a bit mixed, but the weather looked good when we got up, so we decided to risk it and off we went…

When we arrived, we took a walk towards the sea front. The houses are so pretty, lots of them painted in pastel pinks, blues and greens and they are all so different, which made for some great scenery for our walk.


Photo – Beautiful England

By the time we’d explored a bit, it was lunchtime, so after a bit of a breezy walk along the front, we sat down to have some food at a pub called The Peterboat. We sat in seats that were in a sheltered area outside, which was really comfortable, with blankets on the chairs, in case you get chilly.


Photos  – Trip Advisor 

My youngest daughter wasn’t very hungry, so we ordered some sides to share, from a really good menu. Erin was particularly pleased to see that there was plenty of vegetarian options, including beer-battered halloumi, so that was added to our order, along with the old favourites of garlic bread, chips and onion rings. Our choices were simple, but the food was excellent quality, and the service was very friendly and attentive.

60ff3827-033f-472b-869a-34b8de11f5a0 2

After our lovely lunch, we went for a walk along the beach, which was a bit muddy to say the least, but fun all the same!


A bit further along, the littley found some sand to wiggle her toes in, and a pool of sea water to paddle in, so she was very happy. The sun came out even more then which definitely added to everyone’s enthusiasm.



Once toes were dried and socks and shoes were returned to their rightful places, we walked up the hill to the town.

Now, on the drive through town earlier, I’d noticed a bit of a gem, so I made it my mission to find it… and we did!


The only Bernie Dexter shop in the U.K. is tucked away on Leigh Road in the middle of Leigh-on-Sea! As you can imagine, the girls and I were really excited to take a look, although I’m not sure how keen my husband was… He took it in good part though, and in we went…

Well, as you can imagine, the dresses are absolutely gorgeous! The shop is small but perfectly formed, and absolutely full of beautiful prints, including quite a few men’s shirts. The lady who was running it is really friendly and helpful, and was telling us that every dress has a story all it’s own. Apparently Bernie Dexter herself is in the shop quite often, so maybe I’ll get to hear one or two of the stories next time we visit!


Erin chose an amazing galaxy print shirt dress to try on, and I chose 2 dresses to try, a lipstick print that I’ve loved for ages, and a farm print which caught my eye while I was looking. My little one even chose a stripy top to try on, which actually fit her quite well, as it was super stretchy.


Erin looked absolutely amazing and my dresses fit like a glove. The farm print one was my favourite in the end, as it was a little longer, but the lipstick print is absolutely iconic, and would be so glamorous with heels for a night out dancing.


Unfortunately, I couldn’t buy any of the dresses today. I’ve already been shopping at the Vivien of Holloway sale this month, and as they’re towards the top end of reproduction dress prices, I couldn’t stretch to one dress today, let alone one for each of us, but it’s clear to see in the quality of the fabric and designs where the money goes. I’m hoping for an early birthday present!


We did buy the top for my youngest though, and I was very tempted by the selection of jewellery, accessories and even some homewares.

The shop is definitely worth a visit, the lady who is running it is so lovely. It’s a truly exclusive shop, and you might even bump into Bernie Dexter herself!

Soon enough, it was time to make our way home, but we stopped by Southend for a walk on the sand, and the obligatory seaside doughnuts, before we drove home with sleepy people in the back seats.


Thank you for a lovely day Leigh-on-Sea, can’t wait for our next visit!


Bargains at Vivien of Holloway!

As you know, I seriously love Vivien of Holloway. It’s the shop that sparked my love of vintage style.

Well, once a year, usually around Easter time, she holds a shop sale! This is obviously in addition to online sales through the year, but add the lovely experience of shopping at Vivien’s and you can only be onto a winner…


This year, I popped down on my own on the first day of the sale. Normally Erin would come with me, but it was the first day of the holidays, and after working hard on her A-Levels, I left her to have a good lie in!

I was a bit delayed due to car trouble, but once on the train I got there in no time. I bumped into lovely Jill (Ruby Roxwell) on my way in and we stopped for a chat before I got to the shop.

When I got there, Cheereka and Kelly were just paying for their purchases, before they were off for a girls day out. Chereeka had got some serious bargains, but Kelly was very restrained and had gone in for something specific. You can read more about them in Papow and Flo here.

So, this was my cue to get shopping! It was really busy, as was to be expected, and everyone is so supportive and friendly. It’s a real shared experience. You often hear people who’ve never met before complimenting, advising and encouraging other customers, which is not something you see in your usual high street shop.

While I was shopping I got chatting to the gorgeous Eva Leigh @missleighboudoir,  who I met at The Hammersmith Vintage Fair. We were talking about Vintage events. I was telling her about how much I’m looking forward to this year’s Twinwood Festival, and getting a few recommendations from her. She was waiting for Miss Lillian Love @misslillianlove who is equally beautiful in person!

I was on the look out for 40’s and 50’s day dresses, but I was also looking out for the Lana dress, which is one of my favourite styles, as it can be great for day or evening.

There was lots of choice, and I picked up a few to look at. Normally I would stop to try on, but I was a bit short for time, and as I know my size in Vivien’s I just picked up what I was looking for.

I chose a Lana in Parklife Navy, an Anna Sundress in a red floral, a Peggy Lee in an anchor print, and a Black Taffeta Kitty.

The sundress was special, because it had buttons, which I’d never seen before, maybe it was a sample?

The Peggy Lee was a bit of a risk, as it was at the smaller end of my size range, but it was 80% off, so it was worth a try! (As it happened, it was too snug to be comfortable, so I passed it on to another Viv’s fan.)

The Lana was absolutely perfect. I love the blue, and it’s got yellow flowers, which is always a winner for me. #ProudHufflepuff it was an ideal Easter dress.


And the Taffeta Kitty was extra special because it had sneaked in the sale, and Vivien let me have it for the sale price, because she is lovely. I wasn’t sure when I looked on the website if the taffeta would be for me, but I absolutely love the swishy sound it makes when I walk, and there’s something that feels really authentic about the fabric. I haven’t got a photo in it yet, but it’s a new favourite!


So that’s this year’s shop sale visit for me, but if you’re disappointed you missed it, you’re in luck, because Vivien has extended the sale until the 15th April this Year, and then she’ll close briefly to brighten up the shop with a coat of paint for Summer.

Happy Shopping! Xxx


Agent Carter – A woman of Value


I’m an absolute geek. I love all sorts of films, books and tv shows, and as Simon Pegg says below, I’m not afraid to demonstrate that affection!

One of my absolute favourite characters is a Marvel character, Peggy Carter, I have to confess, partly because she links my love of geekery to my love of vintage.

Captain America – The First Avenger is one of those films I tend to watch over and over. I adore the almost Cinderella-ness of the story, and the fact that it’s Steve Roger’s bravery and goodness that paves the way to his heroism, not just his super-strength.

It’s also great that while this story is going on, Peggy is portrayed as strong and intelligent and asserts herself in no uncertain terms.

She is written as something of a mentor as well as a possible romantic interest for Steve Rogers, and she’s a lot more than that besides. She has a special place in the MCU that crosses the boundary between film and tv, and has cameos in a lot of the films.





So, imagine my joy when after a particularly successful Marvel One -Shot, here was a whole series based on Agent Carter’s story beyond the film!  Thankfully, it didn’t disappoint – at all.

Hayley Atwell is brilliant as Peggy, making it clear why she ended up one of the founders of S.H.E.I.L.D.

Dominic Cooper misbehaves to great effect as Howard Stark, showing where Tony gets his Playboy tendencies from. And James D’arcy does a fabulous job personifying Jarvis, the butler who would inspire the personality of Tony Stark’s A.I., and would essentially, eventually become Vision.

This show was so well written, that every character was fully realised, from Rose who mans the door at the S.S.R. to Peggy herself.


The partnership between her and Jarvis is the anchor and the heart of the show, but even Peggy’s enmity with Dottie Underwood, a product of the Red Room and a major villain, was entertaining, with the characters clearly having a grudging respect for each other.

The idea of having a whole series based around a strong female character is excellent in itself, but the show never seemed preachy and the stories were engaging and entertaining. There was no question what the message is here though. Like so many women after WW2 was over, Peggy was expected to go back into secretarial and support jobs. Of course, this is the Marvel universe, so that just won’t do!

But though the emphasis is not on historical accuracy in this show, it is because of women like Peggy Carter, who refused to be pushed back into that mould, that we are able to benefit from a much changed society. They proved themselves, again and again, until they could no longer be denied. I love that.

Of course, as a vintage enthusiast, I particularly enjoy the era this show is set in, and it’s full of gems, not least the gorgeous costume design by Gigi Melton. If you want to find out more, she’s interviewed here.

I liked the costumes so much, I did Agent Carter cosplay for our local Enfield Assemble event and for MCM Comic con. For the first, I used a royal blue vintage dress and a red trilby, complete with brunette wig (which is, incidentally, my natural hair colour) to recreate Peggy’s iconic Agent Carter look, and for the second i had the help of the glorious Oh Sew Vintage, who made a gorgeous replica of Peggy’s secret mission dress in the first episode. A blonde wig, vintage bag and Peggy’s actual lipstick shade of Besame Red Velvet and I was away! (come on, I already told you I was a geek…)




I’ve actually worn the Gold dress again to Twinwood in the evening, and it’s still gorgeous, perfect for drinking cocktails at the Colonial Club…


So, with all the gorgeous costumes, great writing and brilliant characterisation by the actors, it’s no surprise I loved it all, and I was really sad when it ended after two seasons. Luckily, it bears rewatching and Erin loves it too, and it’s become another thing we tend to watch together.

For those of you yet to watch it, both seasons are currently available on Amazon Prime Video. And if you like it, and would like to see Peggy return to the small screen, then there’s actually a twitter account called Renew Agent Carter! (@renewagntcarter).


Scarlet Rage Vintage shopping experience

As I’ve said before, I mostly buy reproduction vintage clothes, mostly because of my ‘curves’.

Shopping for voluptuous authentic vintage can often feel like looking for a needle in a haystack, unless you’re willing to buy online from America, but then you’re risking duty fees, and the usual chance that you take buying online is increased, as sending things back isn’t quite as simple. I’ve not been brave enough to try that one yet, although I know many people do, very successfully.

Lately, I’ve got slightly obsessed with Instagram, and a lot of my favourite people kept tagging @scarletragevintage in their posts, especially when they were wearing something especially fabulous. I was intrigued, and looked her up. Lo and behold, there were the most amazing and gorgeous items of clothing, all shapes and sizes, an absolute feast for the eyes!

Then one day, I had an amazing stroke of luck. Jade, the lovely lady who is Scarlet Rage Vintage offered to help out people looking to buy in her winter sale by DM, as a special event,

I jumped at the chance and messaged her. She asked for all my details/measurements, and then after a chat about what sort of things I like to wear, she looked for some options for me.

I was out for the day with my little girl, and all these pretty dresses popped up in my messages. They were all gorgeous, but the one I ended up going for was a traditional ’50’s style dress in a monochrome print. It even had sparkles on it!

It was absolutely beautiful and when it arrived, fit perfectly. I’ve already worn it to a party, and got lots of compliments.

While we were chatting, I enquired about a visit to her studio, and we arranged for me to travel there just after half term. It was going to be a little bit of an adventure, because the studio is about an hour and a half by train, but I was looking forward to it.

Then Jade came up with a great idea. She was going to be at a vintage fair in Hammersmith, and she offered to meet me there, and that she would bring me some options on the day to try, along with all the other gorgeous stuff she’d have with her anyway.

It was the same day that Erin and I went to the Coppa Club for her belated birthday treat, (more about that in my previous blog- it was fab!) and so after brunch, we jumped on the train and went to Hammersmith.

The vintage fair itself was quite overwhelming- everything was so gorgeous! I made a beeline for Jade’s stall, and was greeted with a big smile and a hug. Honestly, this lady is even lovelier than her vintage gems!

She soon had me furnished with a bag full of goodies, and also showed me quite a few things on the rails that would be good for me. I tried on a few dresses, but I can’t resist a good day dress, and there was a lovely shirt dress in the bag that I immediately fell in love with, so that had to be my purchase for the day. I’d have loved to have bought more, but I was happy to settle for my one lovely treat.


(I have worn my dress, but I forgot to take photos – I know, I’m a numpty.)

To be honest though, as much as I love my new dresses, buying from Jade is not just about the clothes (although they are amazing). She is warm, funny, and makes you feel good about yourself. Her rails were a safe haven from the polite “erm…” that I often hear when I ask a vintage trader if they might have something in my size. She encouraged me to embrace my curves (although I’d definitely prefer them to be more modest) and I went home happy.

Not to mention that her stall itself was one of the best curated I’ve ever seen. Everything was measured and sizes and eras noted on the labels. There was just the right amount of things on the rails so you felt that you had lots of choice, but the racks weren’t rammed, so every item felt special. Do you get the idea I was impressed?

So, my next mission is to go and see Jade at her lovely studio beside the seaside in Bexhill, and I’ll definitely be saving up, because I have a feeling it might be a treasure trove!

You can find Scarlet Rage Vintage on instagram as @scarletragevintage and her YouTube channel, which is fab too, can be found here. Definitely worth subscribing!

(Dress and Vintage Fair Photos with kind permission of Scarlet Rage Vintage)


Novelty Print Princess…

One of my favourite things about vintage style is all the different novelty prints. I’m in absolutely no hurry to grow up!

I really love original novelty prints, and they’re always the things I’m drawn to at vintage fairs, although, I’ve obviously got expensive taste, as they’re often a bit beyond my purse…

Stripe dress. Green meadow print 40’s dress, Green 1950’s dress

(All of these dresses have been previously sold on Etsy, follow the links to see the lovely sellers other items.)

Luckily, I can’t be sad for too long, as there are lots of high quality repro options out there for me to add to my collection. The new Spring/Summer collections are coming soon, and I can’t wait to see what’s going to be on the racks- Collectif has an ice cream themed collection I’m particularly looking forward to…

Anyway, while I’m waiting, I’m not stuck for options!

I’ve got quite a few prints in my wardrobe already, as you can see from the photos below, but I thought I’d do a little bit of window shopping for the summer.

I love this cactus print by Collectif! I have this dress in another print from last year, and it’s one of my favourites, so it’s definitely at the top of my list.


I’ve had my eye on this gorgeous helterskelter print for ages, it comes in cream and lime too, so plenty of choice!


I love yellow, as you know I’m a proud Hufflepuff, so I love this skirt, and it has a pocket – you can’t go wrong with a pocket! It’s also available in red.


I love Voodoo Vixen novelty prints, and this one from their new collection is brilliant. There’s a few styles in this print, but the skirt is my favourite.

Last but not least, one of my favourite novelty print finds is at Doghouse Vintage. I saw them at our first Twinwood, and was blown away by their prints. I bought the ‘Ride ‘Em Cowboy’ print dress at The Enfield Pageant last year, and I’ve got my fingers crossed for a ‘Home Sweet Home’ print dress or separates next time I see them!



No doubt I’ll be adding to this list as more of the new season’s styles are announced, maybe I’ll update it in a few weeks. In the meantime, happy shopping and don’t forget…



New Year, same old (vintage) me!

I’ve been a little bit invisible for a couple of months, I’ve been unwell, but I’ve really missed my blog. So here I am for a bit of a catch up!

So, in the run up to Christmas, as always, it was mega busy! School was all about performances and services, amongst all the hard work.

Christmas in Enfield always feels like it’s happening for real when the Parade of Light happens. It’s run by the Enfield Rotary Club, and local charities and businesses join in with a parade around Enfield, ending in Enfield town for the lighting of Christmas trees and fireworks!

The weather was awful in December, but we did have a bit of snow, which was lovely until we realised that my eldest daughter had to get to the O2 for the Jingle Bell Ball…

After an epic journey in the ice and snow (not really, but it was a bit slippy!) we got to the O2. Erin went off to watch Ed Sheeran et al, while I went to the cinema and watched Justice League, which I actually really enjoyed a lot more than I was expecting. Erin had a great time, and she was actually on the jumbotron screen at one point.

The following week was the release of Star Wars -The Last Jedi. We were very excited and so 8 of us went to see it together. I couldn’t resist wearing my Irregular Choice R2 shoes and the R2 and BB-8 brooches I made for myself. My nephew requested a porg badge, and I happily obliged.

It has had some mixed reviews from hardcore Star Wars fans, but we thought it was great. I love how the new films are so firmly rooted in the Star Wars universe, but are moving forward in their own way. Although I was disappointed in the way that the mysteries behind Snoke and Rey were resolved, I particularly like Rose, one of the new characters, and I can’t wait for the next one. I have to confess, I did have a tear in my eye at the tribute to Carrie Fisher at the end.

On Christmas Eve, we took my little girl to Willows Farm Santa Spectacular. I’m not sure who enjoyed it more, her or me! She saw Santa, met lots of Elves, made a stuffed reindeer and went to Elf school. It was an absolutely lovely day, and a particularly nice thing to do on Christmas Eve. I think her favourite part was cuddling a guinea pig in the petting zoo… he was so cute and calm.

When we got home, it was time for the Christmas Eve Box. I love this part of Christmas. Everyone gets a new pair of Pyjamas, even the grown ups, we have a film to watch, snacks to eat and a craft to do. It’s usually accompanied by a lovely hot chocolate and marshmallows, and I usually add a dash or two of Baileys to mine. Our PJ’s were Harry Potter themed this year, and I found the cutest owl slipper boots!

After that, it was just a case of reading ‘Twas the night before Christmas’ and snuggling up ready for Santa to make his deliveries!

Unfortunately just after Christmas, my little one came down with chickenpox and I got tonsillitis, so our festivities pretty much finished there. I was lucky enough to pick up a headband style turban in the Sarah’s Doo-Wop Dos sale online though, which was seriously lucky, as they sold out in about four minutes!

So, that was Christmas and New Year, and so on to the next one.

I’m not particularly one for resolutions, but I am looking forward to getting back to my Lindy Hop lessons, and I’d really like to get round to visiting some new places, like Cahoots and Sketch for afternoon tea at some point this year, too.

Happy New Year to one and all, hope it brings you love, luck and happiness!


Vintage shopping heaven…

When I first really got into vintage, my only outlet for a ‘vintage fix’ was either to find out if there was a vintage fair on anywhere, or go into Central London. Bearing in mind at that point I had a toddler, that wasn’t such an easy prospect…

Imagine my delight when Crews Hill Vintage Emporium opened not fifteen minutes away from me! The Vintage Emporium is a haven for those looking for Vintage home wares, furniture, clothing, or even just a chance to reminisce.

The owners, Jackie and Andy, are absolutely lovely and welcoming, and I’m sure you wouldn’t be surprised to hear they know me by name (I was also lucky enough to teach their grandaughter, she’s a sweetie too). They’ve since been joined by new co-owners Rachel and her partner, who’ve continued the tradition of making it a great place to be.

Almost all eras are accounted for, from beautiful examples of vintage china and ’50’s dresses, to 80’s bling and 90’s jackets.

You might even spot some vintage toys you recognise. Even my husband, who’s not into vintage, loves seeing those. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve wandered around hearing ‘I had one of those!’ or ‘I loved that show when I was young,’ ringing in my ears.

One of my favourite places to shop is ‘Debbies Vintage World.’ If any of you follow my instagram, you’ll see it mentioned regularly. This unit is choc-full of everything you could possibly wish for! Hats, clothes, jewellery, homewares, bags… I could go on! I rarely walk away from here without something, a hat, a bag, some earrings…

So, if you’re able to, it’s definitely worth a visit, and even though it’s cold at the moment, they’ve got a log fire going to match the cosy atmosphere!


If you’re still curious, take a look at a loads more photos in the slideshow below. Or have a look at their website, here. 

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Debbie’s Vintage World on instagram

Crews Hill Vintage Emporium on instagram

Crews Hill Vintage Emporium on Facebook