
Vintage Hair

I had an ‘interesting’ experience today. I was in a lift, and I felt my hair move! I thought I’d caught my snood on the collar of my cardigan, but the lady behind me started to apologise, as one of her companions had just reached forward and ‘bounced’ my hair!

I just laughed and said it was fine, then the lady started talking about how I looked like someone from ‘Goodnight Sweetheart’ and the other lady said “I just wanted to see if it was real!”

People often comment on my hair, but this was truly a new one! It did give me an idea though, so here’s today’s blog about my version of vintage hair.

Most of the time, I keep my hair relatively simple, just putting in a few rolls at the front, and leaving the rest down. I usually use hair flowers to decorate my hair, but I do tend to wear them more in the summer. I learnt how to roll my hair simply with my fingers from the YouTube tutorials by Fleur de Guerre. It was a really no-nonsense tutorial, and after all these years, I’ve got to the point where I can do my hair really quickly, adapting it to my own style, although it still works some days better than others!

One of the great things about putting in rolls is that it gives the hair a lovely shape as it comes down, a look my sister has dubbed Ariel Hair!

At the moment, my favourite style is this asymmetric updo, which I have adapted slightly from Atomic Amber’ YouTube tutorial, 5 Quick Easy Pinup Retro Do’s for Naturally Curly Sues. It looks really lovely with my Mahooooosive hat that I wore for the Chap Olympiad, or with a variety of Hair Flowers to match/contrast with my outfits.

When I’m really lucky, I get my hair done professionally. two of the best that I’ve come across are Sarah’s Do-Wop Do’s, who did our hair beautifully at Twinwood last year, and LoulaBeau, who is an amazing hair artist, and now does home hairstyling local to me!

As you can probably see, may hair also changes colour fairly regularly.  I have my hair bleached – sometimes using Live Colour and if I can get there, I have my roots done at the hairdressers. Obviously this is preferable, of course, but live colour is very good in between salon visits, and it lifts my hair colour really well.  I’m very careful with my  bleached hair and try to avoid damaging it. It get’s a bit fluffy every now and then, but it seems to hold up well.

To add the colours, I use Bleach London hair colours, which I buy from Boots. I think I’ve tried every colour by now, but Awkward Peach is by far my favourite!


I’m off to Twinwood soon, and we’ve booked in have our hair done by Sarah again, so I’ll let you know how we get on!

Sarah’s Do-Wop dos


Bleach London at Boots

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