
Dancing Feet

With Strictly currently on our screens, and the exploits of the celebrities learning to Quickstep and Jive, I thought it’d be a good time to mention my dancing feet, which have only just got moving!

As I dress in vintage style, people often ask me if I dance ‘vintage’ too. Which to most people means Jive, Lindy Hop, or Charleston. My answer in the past was always, “no, I have two left feet!”

I did love watching the dancing though, so, when I had my tearoom, I sometimes booked Jive Swing to come and teach lessons, while I provide the tea and cake, and although the lovely teachers always invited me to join in, I always had a handy excuse, like “I’ve got to make the teas” or “I’m not wearing the right shoes” basically, I was chicken!

Photos – Put The Kettle On Tearoom – Facebook

When we went to The fabulous Twinwood for the first time, one of the things I was excited about was watching the dancing. I didn’t quite manage to join in on the classes, although we did go and watch one, and tried some initial steps, but it was a bit tricky with the little one.

So, after we got back, I decided I was going to be brave and go to some lessons. Luckily, the Jive Swing Enfield class was really nearby, so I bit the bullet and went.


At the first class, I was really nervous, but everyone was so friendly and welcoming, that I soon felt more comfortable.  I even managed to pick up the basic steps!

The classes start with an hour for beginners just before 8 o’clock, then the beginners have an opportunity to stay for an extra class while the intermediates have a lesson, then at the end of the evening, there’s a chance for social dancing, which is great for underlining the skills you’ve learnt in class.

Some of the dancers are amazing, and if nothing else, watching them dance is a real treat!

There a great social side outside class too, with regular meet ups, social dances and events, including the Christmas vintage ball, which my husband and I went to last year. We had a blast, and the live music by the Down for the Count Orchestra was amazing. Check out upcoming events here.

The great thing about Lindy Hop and Charleston, which the courses are based on, is that it’s energetic and fun, and our Enfield teacher, Charlotte, has a great way of making the steps make sense to me. The other members of the class are absolutely lovely, and although I’ve not been well enough to join them lately, I can’t wait to go back for the next course.

Jive Swing run several different classes in different areas, and I definitely recommend popping in to try out a class, you might find yourself getting hooked…


Just to show you how fun it is, here’s Joseph, Charlotte’s husband and Jive Swing founder, teaching the warm up we do each week, ‘The Jive Swing Stroll’. Give it a try!

Photos from Check them out online here and on Facebook here


Hollywood Stories

As I'm feeling rather rubbish today, I thought I'd cheer myself up with some vintage inspiration via the gorgeous films that I grew up on. When I was younger, before the advent of multi channel TV, the afternoons were filled with old films, often black and white, but sometimes in glorious technicolor.

The characters in these films were usually impossibly witty and glamorous, with perfect hair, beautiful clothes, and feet that danced through the scenery with grace and skill. I quickly fell in love with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn, not to mention all the other stars of the silver screen, such as Gene Kelly, Bing Crosby and Audrey Hepburn.

I watched the videos of Singin' in the Rain and High Society on a loop. I was lucky enough to go to the Grace Kelly exhibition a few years ago, and the dresses are just as breathtaking in real life! I was a big fan of The Wizard of Oz, and loved the films with Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney putting on a show to save one thing or another. Basically, they were my childhood, and although I could never aspire to be as glamorous as Grace Kelly, or as witty as Ginger Rogers, they became the blueprint for my adult style.

So, just for the sake of nostalgia, here's a list of some of my favourite films. You might find that there are the ones you love too, or there might be one or two you haven't seen – I can't argue that they're all masterpieces, but I have great memories of them all!

  • Bringing up Baby – Katharine Hepburn/Cary Grant
  • High Society- Grace Kelly/Bing Crosby/Frank Sinatra
  • Singin' in the Rain- Debbie Reynolds/ Gene Kelly
  • Top Hat – Fred Astaire/ Ginger Rogers
  • Swing Time- Fred Astaire/ Ginger Rogers
  • Bachelor Mother – Ginger Rogers/David Niven
  • Higher and Higher – Frank Sinatra's first film
  • Strike up the Band – Judy Garland/Mickey Rooney
  • Funny Face – Audrey Hepburn/Fred Astaire
  • Paris When it Sizzles – Audrey Hepburn/William Holden
  • The Tender Trap – Frank Sinatra/Debbie Reynolds
  • Pillow Talk – Doris Day/ Rock Hudson
  • Woman of the Year- Katherine Hepburn/Spencer Tracy

This list could honestly be endless! I'm off to watch a movie…


A Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered Blog

My vintage life.

So, here I am, posting for the first time properly on my blog, and I thought I'd write a bit about myself.

When I walk down the street, most people see what I call 'the crazy 50's lady'. I call myself that with genuine pleasure, as that persona has been a big part of my life for the last 7 years or so.


People often stop me and very kindly tell me they like my colourful hair, or my swishy dress and I smile politely and chat about the clothes I wear and the vintage scene, often recommending hair videos on YouTube, Bleach London, whose hair colours I use, and extol the virtues of various different repro stores, like Vivien of Holloway, or Collectif, two of my favourites.

Hopefully I come across as open and friendly, as I would like to.  As someone who is actually a lot more shy than I appear, I can breathe a sigh of relief and talk about these things without feeling too socially awkward. My clothes, hair, and vintage look have become my comfort blanket.

Just lately, I have been challenging myself to be a bit more outgoing and to try to be a bit more confident in new situations. I started learning to dance and I've been trying to go to more vintage events. So my blog is going to be about all of those little challenges, along with some of the lovely things I encounter along the way!